These brief instructions will help you get started to install FPChecker.
Edit me

To install with Spack instead of CMake, see ./installation_spack.html


  • A Linux system is required to run FPChecker. Support for macOS is coming soon.
  • FPChecker is developed as an extension of the clang/LLVM compiler. To build FPChecker, one of the following versions of clang/LLVM must be already installed:
    • clang/LLVM 12.0
    • clang/LLVM 13.0 (will be supported soon)
  • Python 3
  • To run the tests, pytest (see here) is needed.

Source Code

The source is available at github:

Checkout FPChecker:

$ git clone


FPChecker can be built using a recent version of cmake. Support to build via Spack is coming soon.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install .. 
$ make && make install


To run the tests, use ctest in the build directory:

$ ctest -V